Human Capital Management for Long Term Care
Create, Upload, File, Review, and Report on all Human Capital Management aspects of the Employee Life Cycle within your organization. The Human Capital Management module allows for users to track staff Seniority (both active and posted), Skills, Licenses and Staff Training courses/classes. Users will also be able to create, log and upload staff performance evaluations, discipline reports, attendance management support programs, Accident Management tracking and reports from governing agencies and so much more!
Human Capital Management Features
Seniority Tracking and Posting
Set up your facility Seniority tracking by dates, years, or custom hours. We can set up multiple levels of seniority tracking to help accommodate your different union agreements and Seniority requirements. The Posted Seniority hours related directly into your call-in tools within the scheduling module of StaffScheduleCare. Ensure that your call-in list is always up to date and cut down on your grievances with having up to date Seniority in the StaffScheduleCare solution.
Performance Evaluations
Create, Upload and post-date performance evaluations for staff. Users have the ability to upload their own custom performance evaluation reports via a PDF, word, excel document. All Performance evaluations will be stored directly in the Employee Profile. All records can be shared with fellow managers/senior management who have access to view.
Accident Management Tracking
Create, Upload and set up follow-up review appointments for staff who have experienced an accident within the workplace. Users have the ability to upload their governing agency paperwork for accident management via a PDF, word, excel document. All Accident management reports and completed follow-up sessions with the employee will be stored directly in the Employee Profile. All records can be shared with fellow managers/senior management who have access to view.
Skills, Licenses and Staff Trainings
Create, Upload and post-date Skills, Licenses and Staff Trainings for your staff. Users have the ability to copy of all designations/certifications that the employee has on file. Cut down on the amount of excel documents that need to be maintained by setting up a license report in StaffScheduleCare. Managers will receive a Monthly or Weekly report to show them when their staff need to recertified a specific licenses/skills. All Skills, Licenses, Staff Trainings will be stored directly in the Employee Profile. All records can be shared with fellow managers/senior management who have access to view.